
Your Financial Assistant

Designed to simplify your daily financial routines and tasks

Currency Converter

Support for over 150 currencies and cryptocurrencies worldwide. It provides instant access to current exchange rates, making it an indispensable tool for both personal and professional use in various areas.

Exchange Rates & Bank Branches

You can find the most advantageous exchange rate in Azerbaijani banks, and then locate the nearest branch. A phone number is provided so you can call and order the funds you need to exchange.


These calculators, encompassing tasks from cash handling to profit analysis, provide essential support for financial management across various sectors. 


We’ve added information about all payment terminals in Azerbaijan to our app and ensured integration with Google Maps, Waze, and Apple Maps. 


Our app offers the ability to track current prices of various commodities, providing users with a reliable tool for monitoring market trends.

Impulsive Shopping Simulator

The Impulsive Shopping Simulator in the app is designed to help users resist emotional spending, guiding them to focus on purchasing only what they truly need.

Our Team

"Every piece of code we create is driven by the goal of making finance easy and clear for all. Every day, we make new strides, aiding individuals in navigating their financial future."

Rufat B.


"Design doesn't have to be serious, as it's not just about forms but rather a feast for the eyes. Essentially, I'm not just a designer; I'm a kind of organizer of a visual fireworks display."

Irada B.


Secure Wallet
on Device

The app now includes a feature that allows for the secure storage of card data, with all information safely contained on the user’s device.